Dear Friends and Colleagues:
As you know, March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. We are committed to providing the supports and services that enrich the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities every day of the year, but this month offers each of us the opportunity to renew that promise by acknowledging the contributions of the people we serve, and educating our friends and loved ones about the need to treat every person with dignity, equality, and respect.
Our use of people first language, and how we speak to and about each other, is important. Tomorrow, March 7, is Spread the Word to End the Word Day. If you have not yet taken the campaign’s pledge, or know someone who hasn’t, please visit to learn more.
In 2010, our agency removed the r-word, and was renamed the Office for People With Developmental Disabilities. Over the last year, in addition to our many reforms to strengthen services throughout the system and to ensure a safe environment, we have been amending employee titles as well as the programs we and other state agencies operate to reflect our discontinued use of the r-word.
There is more to do; however, and I welcome your feedback and suggestions. In the interim, please join me in celebrating Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.
Commissioner Burke
P.S. Communication is critical to our collective success, and OPWDD’s Facebook page is a great place for individuals, family members, employees, advocates, and other stakeholders to exchange thoughts and ideas. Please feel free to join the conversation. Our YouTube channel also has useful information relating to development of the 1115 waiver, and other reforms and initiatives.