Dear Friends and Colleagues: In this year’s proposed budget, Governor Andrew Cuomo has demonstrated a strong commitment to our field and the individuals we serve, and I would like to share with you a few aspects of his proposal. With the many fiscal constraints facing the state and the nation, budget reductions for OPWDD total less than one percent. And if enacted, the governor’s budget will allow for significant investment in group home safety; support development of the 1115 People First Waiver; and set us on firm ground for the future by allowing for a restructuring of our service delivery and oversight. Additionally, the governor’s budget provides greater opportunities for individuals to receive services from OPWDD.
Investing in Fire Safety
The safety of group homes is a top priority as we seek to keep the individuals we serve, as well as the great employees who provide their care, safe from harm. As you know, last year we created a partnership with the Office of Fire Prevention and Control to provide external oversight and surveys of all homes, evacuation plans, etc. In addition, we established a consistent fire safety training curriculum. The governor’s proposed budget includes critical funding in his five-year capital plan for improvements to community residential programs to meet more intensive fire safety standards, consistent with the recommendations of the 2010 Fire Safety Panel of State and National Experts. The budget also provides resources to support all necessary fire safety improvements in state and voluntary residential programs over the next several years.
New Opportunities for Individuals
The proposed budget provides $48 million in state funds (which double if they can be matched with federal Medicaid funds) to support new opportunities, including low cost residential, employment, and community habilitation opportunities. The budget also allows for the expansion of services that support families and caregivers, such as respite services. These new community opportunities will support people with developmental disabilities who are currently living in an institutional setting, graduating from residential schools and other education programs, and living on their own or with families and others.
Supporting the 1115 Waiver, Positioning OPWDD for the Future
In addition to the continued creation of more community-based opportunities, the governor’s proposed budget supports the development and implementation of OPWDD’s 1115 People First Waiver, as well as our commitment to becoming a service delivery system that is truly person-centered. In addition to support for the waiver, the budget empowers OPWDD to undertake a much needed organizational restructuring that will better position us today and in the future. The restructuring will heighten the Print 1 of 2 2/2/12 5:47 PM agency’s focus on service delivery, provide for enhanced oversight of our vast network of nonprofit providers, and realign the agency’s operations (human resources, training, budget offices, IT, etc.) to ensure consistency statewide.
We will provide updates about each of these items—and more—in the coming weeks and months as information becomes available to us. In the interim, I applaud the governor for his leadership and thank him for his support in strengthening our system.
Commissioner Burke
P.S. For regular updates about OPWDD, please follow us on Facebook.