In FSSAC Minutes, Minutes

1. Announcements : SEE BELOW

For the People First waiver, OPWDD has decided not to use the 1115 Medicaid waiver mechanism and instead to apply for the 1915 b-c Medicaid waiver combination. OPWDD now operates under the 1915 c; OPWDD will have to renew the c and apply for the b, which allows managed care. OPWDD is hoping to retain flexibility of services and all the other goals of the People First waiver. OPWDD must apply to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for approval.

NYS will request a waiver from the federal government that will allow NYS to invest up to $10 billion in savings generated by the Medicaid Redesign Team reforms—that means that NYS would keep $10 billion of the $17.1 billion in federal savings. Citizens will have opportunities to provide input on how these savings should be used. For example, we could request funding for DD services. There will be a public forum 6/18, 12:30-3:30, in the Bronx. Website:

OPWDD is holding a series of People First Innovative Ideas workshops. The first is 6/26, 9:00 am-3:15 pm. The others are scheduled for 7/17 and 9/19. For more information or to register, contact Jenine Kirschner at 212-229-3142.

2. Update on Special Education Reforms – Lori Podvesker

Lori explained that the Department of Education’s special education reforms would, as much as possible, provide educational services for students with disabilities in neighborhood schools and general education. District 75 would continue to exist but more of its students will be placed in regular education. Transition of students to neighborhood schools would begin in September for students in kindergarten, grade 6, and grade 9. Lori pointed out that while we endorse inclusion, we want more parent involvement, better professional development, and more communication. There has been a lack of communication to parents of both special education and regular education students. Robert Jackson, chair of the City Council education committee, is holding a hearing on the special education reforms 6/12, 1:00 pm, 250 Broadway, 16th floor. Public testimony begins at 3:00. See attachment in separate e-mail.

Lori also mentioned an advocacy alert from Advocates for Children regarding proposed bills that would (1) limit the time period in which a parent whose child with a disability has not been given an appropriate education could sue and (2) shorten the time line for parents seeking private school tuition for their child with a disability. These proposals would impact the neediest families most and would discourage families from trying to work out their disputes with a school because that process could be lengthy and could mean that parents would lose the right to sue. For more information, see attachment in separate e-mail.

3. Elections

Linda Irby, chair of the Nominations Committee, put forward the committee’s slate and reported that no additional nominations had been proposed. The slate was then elected unanimously. The officers are:

Chairperson: Margaret Puddington

Executive Committee Members:

  • Marie Christopher
  • Gloria Gonsalves
  • Caroline Grant
  • Michael Haas
  • Kennan Hourwich
  • Linda Irby
  • Joey Perez
  • Lori Podvesker
  • Julia Rogge
  • Elly Rufer
  • Susan Williams
  • Yee Wah Yee


4. Speaker: Dr. Jill Pettinger, Assistant Deputy Commissioner of Statewide Services, OPWDD, on PROMOTE

Dr. Pettinger explained that OPWDD has developed PROMOTE, which is a new curriculum to reduce the likelihood of challenging behaviors by fostering positive and functional relationships, environment, communication, and respect. This training will eventually replace the current training: Strategies for Crisis Intervention Prevention, Revised (SCIP-R). Please see the attached powerpoint for details. PROMOTE Presentation

June Flyers distributed at MeetingFamily Support Services Committee

Tuesday, June 12, 2012, 10:00 am – noon
YAI, 460 West 34th Street, 11th floor
Information: Amy Bittinger (718) 859-5420 x 234

Transition Committee

Wednesday, June 13, 2012, 9:30 am – noon
Life Adjustment Center, 1430 Broadway (at 40th Street), Suite 503
Information: Kathy Kelly (212) 780-2724


DD Council

Thursday, June 14, 2012, 9:30 am
YAI, 460 West 34th Street, 11th floor
Information: Marco Damiani (212) 273-6188

Legislative Committee

To Be Announced
Information: Jim Malley (212) 928-5810 x 101


Childrens Committee

To Be Announced
Information: Christina Muccioli (212) 780-2532

Service Coordination Committee

Next Meeting: To Be Announced
Information: Irina Tuchina (212) 273-6100 x 2418



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