1. Announcements: See Below
2. Speaker: Richard Monck, Acting Director, Metro NY DDSO, on What’s Happening at OPWDD
Richard Monck explained that OPWDD has made some organizational changes. There is a new Division of Person-Centered Supports headed by Gerald Huber, which includes: employment and meaningful activities, health and safety in community living, home and community living, relationships and natural supports, waiver oversight and implementation, and other areas. There is another new Division of Enterprise Solutions headed by Mark Pattison, which includes central operations, fiscal areas, information management solutions, and other areas. Attached is a chart detailing the new structure.
The 1115 waiver will replace the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waiver, which currently funds almost all OPWDD services. The 1115 waiver is a research and demonstration waiver. Part of that waiver will be to move most people out of the developmental centers and into community settings. This waiver is not related to the budget crisis, although of course the budget affects services. The Request for Information (RFI) that OPWDD issued has produced thousands of ideas. They will be summarized on the OPWDD website. There is as yet no start date for the 1115 waiver; CMS must grant approval first. OPWDD was hoping for a 4/1/12 start date, but that may not happen.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) have asked for environmental scans–a review of how OPWDD handles health and safety in its services. So far, the report is positive.
The DDSO directors and deputy directors throughout the state have been conducting unannounced fire drills during the night shift. Changes were subsequently made—for example, the Administrators on Duty will now be trained on how to conduct fire drills and will be required to do so on all shifts. Voluntary providers are encouraged to do similar analyses.
OPWDD is in the process of designing provider profiles and a provider ranking system based on OPWDD survey results and reports from the districts. Eventually the reports will be on the website. Families will be able to use the profiles when they select a provider. Early Alert agencies—those found to have significant problems meeting people’s needs or those with significant fiscal concerns—are already listed on the web.
Community habilitation rates will be reviewed by OPWDD and stakeholders to see if they are too high.
OPWDD is now reviewing compensation for top agency executives. If compensation is out of line, the Commissioner will request justification from the board of directors. OPWDD has revised its training for boards of directors.
Family Support Services Committee
Tuesday, January 10, 2012, 10:00 am – noon
YAI, 460 West 34th Street, 11th floor
Information: Amy Bittinger (718) 859-5420 x 234
DD Council
Thursday, January 12, 2012, 9:30 am
AHRC, 83 Maiden Lane, 11th floor
Information: Marco Damiani (212) 273-6188
Transition Committee
Wednesday, January 11, 2012, 9:30am – noon
AHRC, William Street Adult Day Center
156 William Street.
Information: Kathy Kelly (212) 780-2724
Childrens Committee
To be announced
Information: Christina Muccioli (212) 780-2532
Legislative Committee
Thursday, January 12, 2012, 11:30 am
(Following the DD Council meeting, see above)
83 Maiden Lane, 11th floor
Information: Judith DeIasi (212) 780-2667
This committee will begin planning for the annual Legislative Breakfast March 16. Please save the date! Families were invited to participate in planning for the Breakfast. The Governor’s State of the State message was released Jan. 4.
Service Coordination Committee
To be announced
Information: Irina Tuchina (212) 273-6100 x 2418
Handouts were e-mailed to members a few days after the 1/5 meeting.