I. Introductions were completed.
II. Minutes
- May minutes Approved. The minutes are posted on the Council website. If you would like to refer to past minutes, they are always available on the DD Council website: (www.manhattanddcouncil.org).
III. Announcements
-Please remember to pay your dues which help support our events throughout the year.
You can reap many benefits when paying your dues.
program vacancies in many of their programs. Day habilitation openings in all 5 boroughs.
Contact the Referral & Information Center at 212 780-4491 for information.
-ADAPT Communitv Network- formerly UCP of New York City
See attached flyers for all upcoming programs as well as program vacancies
1877-827-2666 or email project connect @adaptcommunity network.org
-Mercy Drive
See attached flyers for all upcoming programs as well as program vacancies and other various programs available
See attached flyer for program vacancies Openings in the after school programs
-Ohel Bais Ezra
Information is attached for service vacancies. For information about any YAI programs, please call 212-273-6182, or email link@yai.org.
See attached flyers for the different programs available.
Funds still available for emergency respite.
Accepting referrals. Provide help with conflict and behavior needs. Crisis intervention. Coordinators on call 24/7. Crisis line available Sinergia
-see attached flyers for openings
-Good will
Day HAB for people who have autisim and are non waiver eligible and employment Transportation reimbursement
-General Human Outreach (GHO)
-see attached flyer for details on programs
-See attached flyers for details
-Anderson Center for Autism
-see attached flyers for details
-The Office Of Special Educational Partnership (NYS Education Department)
-see attached flyer for details
-Life Adjustment Center Inc.
- Availably in the SoHo Day Hab see attached flyer
-Sheltering Arms
- Availability in their Day Hab program
-NY city Fair
is hosting July 11. Acting commissioner Kastner is coming. Registration required! Hosted at IAC. Families and advocates are first.
Sany conference June 27th
Advocacy notice a bill proposed 25% to transformation committee for MEDICAID transformation
-ABLE account
- – email ms.ramos505@icloud.com for flyers
- vacancies in all boroughs and LI and Westchester for managed care and care coordination. They have a new department for agency education on managed care
- looking for services for immigrants with disabilities that do not require Medicaid NY Deaf and Blind Collaboration – family retreat 7/25-7/28 in Spring Valley. Email silvia.verga@gc.cuny.edu for detailsSANYS- Regional Conference on 6/27 from 9-3pm, $25 registration fee (www.sanys.org for details)
Guest speaker
Speakers- Crystal Rivera & Ivonnne Tarazona
- Improve the financial health of consumers
- Offering free financial counselling for families with people with disabilities
- 22 sites throughout the city
- 11 years has been providing services including free tax help
- What is financial empowerment?-NYC First of empowered cities-Working with CUNY, Goodwill, AHRC, Helping Hand, Ariva and NYLAG(New York Legal Assistance Group) are host sights-Will work with people who self-identify as a person with disabilities
-Service providers can make referrals
-Website is Nyc.gov/empowerednyc
-They do not believe in a mass solution – everyone has a personal counselling session and plan. – Will meet with the whole family if necessary.
-Credit building-some people want to save and create a financial program but they have never
even had proper credit
-What are the goals of the person? Once that is determined it is much easier to make a plan.
-Help with debt collection
-No criteria for eligibility. Person just has to self-identify as a person with disabilities
IV. State News – Siobhan Hunt-Community Services
There have been several new ADMs issued by OPWDD recently including:
- ADM 2019 -05 -Authorization standards for Support Brokers
- ADM 2019-06 – Service Documentation for Support Brokers
- ADM 2019-07 Service documentation for fiscal intermediaries
- New deputy director Deila Tucker will start June 20th
V. City News – Gavin Myers
- Hillary Cousins new director
- April 9th was the local services plan meeting. It is in conjunction with the city and state department of health. All of the boroughs came together to vote on what they felt was the most important topic. The 3 top topics are:
- Workforce recruitment and retention
- Housing
- DD clinical services
- This is for future planning over the course of next year. There is an extensive report. For details and a copy of the plan please contact Gavin Myers
VI. IAC -Suzanne T
- Wini and Chris continue to lobby in Albany
- SED received 2 % 4410 school 3.6% for 853 schools
- People are lobbying and saying the 2% is just not enough
- COPA had a new name New York Disabilities Advocates
- Annual special Ed report for 2018 was issued by the comptroller. The comptroller felt there was no fraud. The State needs to continue to ensure that these programs are essential and the state needs to ensure the programs last.
- Stakeholders meeting for EVV state came out with CURES, stating that states must have electronic systems to record when a provider went in and how long they were there and this will link to payment. If requirements are not met the FEDS will withhold money from the agencies. Many people are opposed to EVY. They feel it’s a violation of privacy and limits flexibility of when people can come in and receive services. All OPWDD stakeholders who have day had or community hab should have received this notice.
- Lifeplan deadline has moved to 12/31,
- Staff action plans have to be reviewed annually
- 3 of the CCO’s have joined IAC
- Dr. Kastner stated that they will be collecting Data. IF CC0’s have not done their lifeplans by the deadline there will be consequences.
- Renee.mccauley@opwdd.ny.gov is the CCO liaison for OPWDD.
- Wini and Chris continue to lobby in Albany
VII. Committee
Family & Provider Information Committee: Co-Chairs: Carol Lincoln and Jackie Ceonzo Rebecca Watson from Wallach of NYACK spoke. It was a successful meeting.
Last meeting is on June 25th. It will be a repeat visit of Allison Mccarthy. It’s a must go to meeting!
Legislative Committee: Co-Chairs Jim Malley & Lynn Decker-
- There is an open comment open on sub minimum wage. (14 C certificates)Is this even possible to keep. Sheltered workshops could be affected by this.
- This is a push for the expansion of the Iicensure for ABA. Other groups other than people with Autism could benefit from ABA however insurance will not pay for it and it’s outside a persons’ licence.
- Report in the times regarding abuse in Residences. We should be aware this is being reported.
- Justice center is holding a sequence of trainings state wide to discuss what the JC is October 24th 2019.
Manhattan FSS Advisory Council: Co Chairs Jackie Goldberg and Mary McGuire-Weafer The first year has been very successful. They have been attending the front door sessions to recruit new people. The last meeting was on special needs financial planning. It was wonderful and well attended. The email list will be updated over the summer. In September we will be back!!
New Business:
We want to Thank Marilyn Rubenstein for all the hard work she has done for the Manhattan DD council and for Children in general. She has been a wonderful voice and advocate!