ll. Minutes were approved; if you were unable to open them, they are available as always on the DD Council website (www.manhattanddcouncil.org).
III. Announcements : December 2014 DD Council attachments & sign in
Archcare at Terence Cardinal Cooke Health Care Center
See attached for openings in the Developmental Disabilities Clinic and information about the Special Needs program at ArchCare Senior Life.
See attached for program openings, Manhattan parent support group sessions through March, and the Social Skills Group for individuals who live in Manhattan.
Information regarding the Saturday Respite program is attached.
Urban Resource Institute
Job readiness and placement program funded by DOHMH, OPWDD and ACCES-VR; see attached for details.
Program vacancy list is attached. Additional openings in the Middle/High School (Chapter 853) in Dyker Heights, Brooklyn (can come from Manhattan). For more information, contact Christina.Muccioli@ahrcnyc.org.
Resources for Children With Special Needs
Intensive Education Advocacy for children who are OPWDD eligible, ages 3-26. Staff will help with understanding the whole IEP process, going to meetings, etc. See attached for details, and for information regarding the Resource Line.
Adult yoga group for independent adults on the autism spectrum; see attached.
Phone-in parent and caregiver support groups available on a variety of topics. Contact Kate Macaluso at 212-273-6242, or kate.macaluso@yai.org to learn more.
Free open workshops every Wednesday on navigating the system for people with developmental disabilities. Drop in at 460 West 34th Street, 11th floor. Call 212-273-6182, or link@yai.org for referrals and any other information.
UCP of New York City
Family Connect vacancy list is attached, as well as information for overnight respite and family reimbursement.
**As always – any agency announcements or non-fundraising events can be sent to manhattanddcouncil@yahoo.com to be included on the Council Facebook page (anyone) or Council website (dues paying members).
Presentation: Predictors of Emergency Room Utilization and Hospitalization Among Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities by Meghan Blaskowitz Presentation DD Council 12.11.14
Meghan reviewed the key findings from a YAI study she conducted. She explained that NYS is a target because it has the highest use of Medicaid funds in the country. She spoke about the contributors to increasing cost, and about the factors that lead to or are associated with high ER usage and hospitalization. Please see the attached powerpoint. A recommendation was made to share this data with policymakers. Marco Damiani and Donna Limiti agreed to do so.
Vl. State News
Donna Limiti discussed OPWDD’s ICF transition plan. The first step is ICF conversions to IRAs. There will be a webinar December 19 for ICF agencies, at which questions about property and financial issues will be addressed. Families will be involved in the person-centered planning for their individual children in ICFs, although not at the policy level. Individuals will have to come through the Front Door, in an expedited review process; the Information Session will be optional. The PISP will be done by OPWDD, using the EAA. The individual will get MSC and be enrolled in the waiver. Donna will find out what would happen if a person did not wish to waive his/her right to ICF services.
For people currently receiving a waiver service who are seeking a change or an additional service, the service coordinator or PCSS must submit a Front Door Service Amendment, which replaces the former required justification. The effective date of the Service Amendment is December 15.
OPWDD’s START program is disseminating an online survey to identify gaps in service for people who are dually diagnosed (DD and mental health) or people with DD who access psychiatric services or use psychotropics. At the upcoming Manhattan Family and Professional Resource Fair, there will be information available about the survey as well as a sign-up sheet for parents for phone interviews.
Donna provided answers to information requested at last month’s meeting:
- There are 30 NYC Priority One people in hospitals, including 3 in Manhattan
- There are 464 NYC people in nursing homes. Most families are content with nursing home placement. Conversations with families are ongoing. The number of placements is fluid, with some people returning home.
- There are 177 NYC people aging out of residential schools: both those who did age out and are not placed and those who will age out in 2015.
- There are 187 people in developmental centers in Queens and Brooklyn.
In addition, there are emergency Priority One cases, where the caregiver has died. These are usually addressed immediately.
- City News
No report was given.
IAC recognized the passing of Michael Goldfarb, former Executive Director of AHRC.
After 4 years of heavy debt, IAC is working in the black.
A committee has been set up to review the nuts and bolts of developing non-certified settings.
The Governor recently vetoed 4 bills:
- One to streamline the Front Door process
- One to establish a study of the social, vocational, and residential needs of adults with DD
- One to study geographic gaps in services throughout the state
- One to ensure that only experienced public or not-for-profit entities provide services under managed care
Representatives from the regional and statewide provider organizations met with members of the Governor’s office and voiced their disappointment.
The annual OPWDD Commissioner’s visit to an IAC membership meeting will be February 4, 2014.
Borough representatives met November 21 to discuss legislative strategies.
VII. Committee Reports
Family Support Services: As outreach for the December 18 Family and Professional Resource Fair, 5,000 brochures have been mailed. Please publicize the event to families and professionals. The 2014 family support services Directories are ready. This year, food will be provided and catered by the Culinary Tech Center, which is a VESID program where the food is prepared by people with disabilities. The Center also caters meetings. They can be reached at 347-871-9024. Volunteers are needed the evening of December 17 and during the actual Fair the next day.
Jennifer Shaoul announced that she has taken a new position as Executive Director of ADA Affairs at HRA. We thank her for her many years of support and wish her well in her new position. The Family Support Committee is now seeking a volunteer to co-chair the committee with Amy Bittinger. If you are interested, please contact Amy.
Next meeting: Tuesday, January 13, 2015, 10:00 am – noon, YAI, 460 West 34th Street, 11th floor. For information, contact Amy Bittinger (718) 859-5420 x 234; abittinger@ucpnyc.org.
Legislative: The committee will meet during January. There are hints that the budget might include some favorable items. 500 state workers will be hired to expedite the Front Door process. Next meeting: to be announced. To join the committee or for more information, contact: Jim Malley (212) 928-5810 x 101; jmalley@esperanzacenter.net.
Transition: At the last meeting, the revised Front Door process was discussed. The committee estimates there will be about 100 students graduating in 2015 who will need OPWDD services. Of the 100, only 25 do not yet have OPWDD eligibility. Anyone who is 18 should be encouraged to obtain Medicaid and MSC. Of these 25, 15 are in the process of getting evaluations. Patricia Webb, OPWDD’s transition liaison, attended the meeting. Representatives from AMAC and the Rebecca School attended the December meeting. The committee will reach out to non-District 75 schools. Next meeting: Wednesday, January 14, 2015, 9:30 am-noon, AHRC, 83 Maiden Lane, 11th floor board room. Information: Kathy Kelly (212) 780-2724; Kathy.kelly@ahrcnyc.org.
Service Coordination: At the last meeting, Linda Schellenberg presented on self-directed services, including the impact of recent changes in funding. Next meeting: Friday, December 19, 2014, 10:00 am – noon, UCP/NYC, 80 Maiden Lane, 2nd floor training room. Edison Sutton will present on behavioral supports. Information: Carol Lincoln (718) 859-5420 x 225; clincoln@ucpnyc.org.
Manhattan Family Support Services Advisory Council: At the last meeting, Mary Donohue presented on strategies for helping people with DD cope with loss. Next meeting is jointly sponsored with the Manhattan DD Council and will feature a presentation by Peter Pierri on How Managed Care Will Affect Services for People with DD: Wednesday, January 7, 2015, 9:30 am – noon, AHRC, 83 Maiden Lane, Penthouse. Information: Margaret Puddington 212-799-2042; Margaret.puddington @gmail.com.
Children’s & Education Committee: The topic at the November meeting was Making Sense of the Common Core. Family attendance was low, although provider attendance was good. The topic is important, and the committee may try to repeat it in May. Outreach to families is needed. A future topic will be Special Education Reform: Options for Children.
A second preschool, IAHD, following the Guild for Exceptional Children, is closing because there has been no trend for 6 or 7 years.
Information: Christina Muccioli (212) 780-2532; Christina.muccioli@ahrcnyc.org.
Family Engagement and Outreach Committee: At its last meeting, there was discussion as to what is the best venue for new families: DD Council or some of its subcommittees. The committee will meet briefly after todays’s DD Council meeting and will meet again following the January 7 DD Council meeting. Information: Lynn Decker 917-575-5166; lynn_decker@me.com.
Next DD Council meeting: Wednesday, January 7, 2015, 9:30 am, AHRC, 83 Maiden Lane, Penthouse