In Children's Committee Minutes, Minutes

Committee Attendees:
Christina Muccioli – Chair
Ely Rufer – MDDC Secretary
Chris Treiber – AHRC Advocacy Director
Hope Levy – Representative for IAC

Meeting Convened:
Registration was from 9:30am to 10:00am.
NOTE: Attendees exceeded 50, with 80% being parents

Current Business:
• General Announcements: Christina Muccioli – Chair

Chris highlighted some articles of interest that were available for the attendees to take from the Sign-In/Reception table

Chris discussed the need for parents to take an active role in their child’s education.

She reminded the audience that the whole field of special education is changing. She challenged them to become involved and to use this opportunity to help shape and mold the future for their children.

Chris pointed out the cut-backs in Federal, State and local aid, and the need for each parent to become more actively involved in their local political organizations, which are instrumental in governing these changes.

• MDDC: Elly Rufer – Secretary

Elly presented the history and mission of the MDDC, providing information for parents wishing to access (Web Site) MDDC information & activities

• AHRC Advocacy: Chris Treiber – Director

Chris spoke to the parents about the Turning 5 process for preschool students and he discussed the tremendous difficulty that the DOE had last year with placement. He urged parents to attend the DOE orientation fairs to learn more about the new procedures that will be put in place for the turning 5 transition process this year.

Chris focused on the New York City DOE implementation of the New York State IEP. He disseminated information about the workshop that he will be offering for the Family Education Series at AHRC NYC on the New State IEP on October 25 from 6-8 pm. (10-6-11 Minutes-ATTACH New IEP)

Chris advised parents to make sure that all of the services their child receives are listed and documented on the child’s IEP. He warned parents not to accept “verbally promised” services.

Chris handed out several articles of interest specific to his area of expertise

• IAC: Hope Levy – Representative

Hope described the history and mission of the Interagency Council and encouraged membership to IAC to the not-for profit providers in the audience who are not already members.

Hope discussed the IAC’s findings on the current issues facing (the parent/provider), today

Featured Presentation:

• Presenter was Lynn DeSalvo, Speech Pathologist at AHRC’s Esther Ashkensas Central Park Early Learning Center

“TELL ME!” ~

♣ The topic was about learning how to help children communicate more effectively. Lynn provided hands-on information to increase language skills

♣ Lynn gave the attendees a better understanding of the foundation of speech, and ideas for effective parent-child communication

NOTE: Since seating room was limited, two consecutive sessions were given, due to the volume and interest of the attendees.

• An Open Discussion / Q&A ~ was included at the end of each Presentation session

Meeting Adjourned:

• The last Presentation finished at about 12:40pm.

• The next Children’s Committee date/topic ~ TBD: recommended for early December, 2011




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