I. Introductions were completed. II. Minutes from April were accepted. III. Announcements UCP The vacancy list is attached. Please call 212.919.9700 ext.70 for more information. There [...]
I. Introductions were completed. II. Minutes from February were accepted. III. Announcements YAI The first week in May is the YAI International Conference (May 2nd – 5th). On May 4th […]
I. Introductions were completed. II. Minutes from January were accepted. III. Announcements AHRC AHRC and the New York City Department of Ed are celebrating 50 years of travel training. Please [...]
I. Introductions were completed. II. Minutes from December were accepted. III. Announcements UCP/NYC “Doorways to Independence” and “Access to Home” are programs that provide home modifications [...]
I. Introductions were completed. II. Minutes from November were accepted. III. Announcements The Parents League of New York The Parents League provides advisory services to families [...]
I. Introductions were completed. II. Minutes from October were accepted. III. Announcements AHRC NYC Program vacancy list is attached. Free psychological and psychosocial evals can be done for [...]