I. Introductions were completed. II. Minutes from May were accepted. III. Announcements Resources for Children with Special Needs Please see attached flyers YAI The [...]
I. Introductions were completed. II. Minutes from April were accepted. III. Announcements ( FLYERS & ATTACHMENTS on Provider Information Page) Resources for Children with Special Needs Please [...]
I. Introductions were completed. II. Minutes from February were accepted. III. Announcements (Attachments Available Here) UCP The vacancy list is attached. Please call 212.979.9700 ext.70 for [...]
I. Introductions were completed. II. Minutes from January were accepted. III. Announcements: UCP The vacancy list is attached. Please call 212.979.9700 ext.70 for more information. YAI The [...]
I. Introductions were completed. II. Minutes from December were accepted. III. Announcements UCP Please see the attached Family Connect Workshop Series. The vacancy list is attached. Please call [...]
I. Introductions were completed. II. Minutes from November were accepted. III. Announcements If you haven’t done so yet, please pay your Council dues. UCP The vacancy list is attached. Please [...]
I. Introductions were completed. II. Minutes from October were accepted. III. Announcements If you haven’t done so yet, please pay your Council dues. UCP The vacancy list is attached. Please […]
I. Introductions were completed. II. Minutes from September were accepted. III. Announcements: UCP The vacancy list is attached. Please call 212.979.9700 ext.70 for more information. YAI The [...]
I. Introductions were completed. II. Minutes from June were accepted. III. Announcements UCP The vacancy list is attached. Please call 212.919.9700 ext.70 for more information YAI The vacancy [...]
I. Introductions were completed. II. Minutes from May were accepted. III. Announcements YAI Health Education Workshops (free trainings for professionals) begin in June. Please see attached [...]