Good Morning, OPWDD is now posting and distributing brief monthly updates on the development of the People First Waiver. The first update for February 2012 can be found on the […]
Subject: Preventing Dryer Fires January 2012 Nationally, more than 15,600 fires occur every year because of clothes dryers; dryers are also one of the leading causes of fire in OPWDD-certified [...]
Dear Friends and Colleagues: A significant change is underway regarding food preparation for individuals with developmental disabilities, in particular, how we can protect people from the dangers [...]
Subject: Best Practices for Individuals with Pica January 2012 Pica is the unusual sounding name for what is a common safety concern within our system—the ingestion of non-food substances (latex [...]
Dear Friends and Colleagues: The 1115 People First Waiver is about strengthening our system now and for the future, allowing supports to be more flexible and person-centered and ensuring that [...]
Dear Friends and Colleagues: One of our most significant initiatives for 2012 is the 1115 People First Waiver. Since last April, when the waiver process first began with a series […]
Dear Friends and Colleagues: Governor Andrew M. Cuomo delivered his second State of the State address this week in Albany, and I am pleased to report that in his written […]
Subject: Fire Events in the Home December 2011 According to the U.S. Fire Administration, fires in the home often start in the kitchen because of unattended cooking, careless placement of […]
** EXTENSION OF 1115 WAIVER REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ** On November 15, 2011, the New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) published a notice in the New […]
Dear Friends and Colleagues: I am pleased to announce the appointment of Mark Pattison as OPWDD’s new deputy commissioner for the Division of Enterprise Solutions. He will join us starting […]